雞: 熊貓好玩嗎? 你有沒有跟他打架? 他有沒有表演虎鶴雙形??
羊: 沒有 他們大多都在昏睡 不過有一隻很活躍 大概跟你一樣
雞: 那蛇拳呢?
羊: 想太多 他連賣麵都不會還蛇拳
雞: 噗 就是照片裡這張在小溪邊表演洗澡秀的這隻嗎? 還小露黑色香肩一下
羊: 西低 光天化日 三點全露 一刀未剪 超級香豔板
雞: 有啊 他有穿啦羊: 穿個屁啦
雞: 黑色的部分就是他的衣服
羊: 黑色丁字褲喔 (來自宇宙雞的謎之音: 誰剛說誰很天真了?)
雞: 而且還戴眼罩和耳罩 只是大陸那麼熱 帶耳罩不熱嗎
羊: 那是熊貓界的流行 你不懂就不要批評 這個流行已經很久了 但歷久不衰
雞: 那也流行個幾百年了 這太久了啦 已經過氣了
羊: 像你還不是四季都穿得很露 熊貓也沒說你沒sense
雞: 就像你去中南部看到的閃亮魚鱗裝 到了國外發現也有台灣女生去夜店穿 你會覺得這是流行咩? 還是說 哀ㄜ~~~三十年前的東西還在穿
羊: 反正 人貓殊途啦
傑: 哈 明明就是黑色四角褲
雞: 他沒有!!! 你們都亂講 他穿的是黑色連身泳衣 明明人家就很保守**(看出疑點了沒??)
傑: 不是兩截式的嗎 這麼悶艘
雞: 所以熊貓來中東一定很受歡迎 因為連眼罩都帶了
超級保守傑: 來中東是黑熊比較受歡迎
全身都罩著雞: 靠 那白熊不就會被逮捕了? 妨害風化!
傑: 不會啦 他們都在北極
September 29, 2008
September 27, 2008
Octuber, My Reserve month...means standing by for 35 days...
September 26th...the exiciting day for most of the crew because the roster has been released...many happy faces but also frustrating ones....and what about me? I AM ON RESERVE NEXT MONTH!!! what can i say about it? I had experienced that uncertain CU (CAN USE) after we graduated from training college and i got 3 turn arounds and 2 layovers. Now is actually a LONG RESERVE...35 days per Emirates rule. But something makes me happy is because I have 14 days leave to go home! Costa Rica! Pura vida!
No idea what flights they will give me, no idea when can be pulled out. Turn around or layover? Please give me only layovers....hehehe thanks a lot Mr Scheduling!!! No standby 3 please!!! Give me only Standby 1 or Standby 5...no airport standby because suitcase is heavy and don´t want to take it back home after 6 hours waiting for nothing! Or if you want to give me airport standby please do give me layovers otherwise why i have to pack my suitcase then...hehehe.
After having 2 brilliant rosters consecutively, now is the time to be surprised by Mr Scheduling. People being on reserve this month are not lucky, because of Ramadam and no one wants to stay in Dubai...few people called-reported sick...one of my friend actually had only 4 flights...3 turn arounds and finally gave him a layover in Perth. The other one only got 3 turn arounds...sucks...a poor month ah! No flights no pay...come on, I got paid 86.69 hours for August! I need to fly a lot before and after my leave, best regards!
(Seems like i am writing an email to Scheduling...lol)
No idea what flights they will give me, no idea when can be pulled out. Turn around or layover? Please give me only layovers....hehehe thanks a lot Mr Scheduling!!! No standby 3 please!!! Give me only Standby 1 or Standby 5...no airport standby because suitcase is heavy and don´t want to take it back home after 6 hours waiting for nothing! Or if you want to give me airport standby please do give me layovers otherwise why i have to pack my suitcase then...hehehe.
After having 2 brilliant rosters consecutively, now is the time to be surprised by Mr Scheduling. People being on reserve this month are not lucky, because of Ramadam and no one wants to stay in Dubai...few people called-reported sick...one of my friend actually had only 4 flights...3 turn arounds and finally gave him a layover in Perth. The other one only got 3 turn arounds...sucks...a poor month ah! No flights no pay...come on, I got paid 86.69 hours for August! I need to fly a lot before and after my leave, best regards!
(Seems like i am writing an email to Scheduling...lol)
韩国, 汉城 서울(Seoul),South Korea
After Japan obviously you must see Korea! So i got Seoul as well...lucky?! hahaha yeah i guess so.
Seoul, one of the crowdest city in the world...is true! But also its skyline is cool as well. Namsam tower located on the mountain close to Itaewon (clubbing area). The way going to Seoul was less than 8 hours (can't believe it was so quick) but the way back took almost 10 hours though! 9 out of 16 crews were Koreans!!! So basically I felt like i worked for Korean Air...lol how funny is that.
The hotel was quite nice and the subway system is just so complicated to me...from the hotel to Itaewon we spent almost an hour because had to change 2 lines of subway...but is cheaper taking subway than taking a cab. We had the best allowance in Emirates 170300 won (iguals to 170 USD) for 30 hours layover including 2 diners, 1 breakfast and 1 lunch!!! With that money i covered my meals and gifts and still $34 left for my wallet! Good deal hey!
Gyeongbok Palace, you can't skip it! It is a historic and memorial palace where you can see how Korean culture was created and some similarity with Chinese culture, in fact, either Japan or Korea was influenced by Chinese culture, was founded by chinese more than thousands years ago. But i can tell the physical difference between a japanese and a korean... :-D
Seoul is quite expensive though if you don't care enough money with you...talking about food..."kim chi" is their typical and traditional entrees, for me the spicy level was overwhelming!!! so RED and so much garlic...i still love taiwanese kim chi (we call it "Pau Chai" in mandarin) it is mild spicy and taste better not too garlicky.
I had a great time with a libanese crew because we went out together and most importantly we took photos to each other...that's what crews are for!? :-P
日本国 Japan!! 大阪 Osaka...irasshaimase!いらっしゃいませ
いらっしゃいませ...means welcome in Japanese.
No complains to my roster, just perfect. I got Osaka, Japan 30 hours layover! Too short to get to know this awesome city and charming culture...it is a pity that Emirates flies daily to Osaka~
After 9 hours flying over himaraya and Beijing...finally we landed at the Kansai International Airport which is built on an human made island. It is huge but well friendly designed so you won't get lost! Osaka is a beautiful city, commercial and tourist travelers favourite city in Japan. Personally I enjoyed japanese culture and people are just so educated...so nice to meet them everytime you walk in a store all you can hear is "irasshaimase!" welcoming you to their store, and always smiling at you. Even though you can't speak japanese they threat you as they do with locals. The most challenging thing is to pronounce their street name and get a cab where the driver can speak a bit english...anyway I had a great time in Osaka!
Next day i took a train to Kyoto (is located north of Osaka) 35 minutes only. The way going took longer because I took the "ALL STOPS" train instead of "EXPRESS"... hence took me almost an hour to get there. Kyoto is famous of temples and is the oldest city in Japan (that's what i heard...), you can't go to Osaka without visiting Kyoto at the same time! Is charming and adorable, people told me to come back in autum to see maple leaves falling...and all brown! how exciting...hopefully Scheduling officer will give me Osaka by then...(finger crossed!!)
I went to visit one of the nearest temple close to Kyoto Station, took some photos and feed those crazy doves flying around me to get those corns on my hand...annoying though! some even grabbed my shoulder! quite scary...hahaha.
Back to the beautiful Osaka, I had the local food which was yummy loved how they prepared the food for you and add all garnishes to your plate as it looks too gorgeours to eat. Salad noodles was my first time having it...is a cold dish but really flavourful and tasty, for the desert i had Creme bulle...they only make 20 per day! And i had one of them...heavenly texture and flavour was great! Such a nice french desert in Japan! can wait to actually taste french one, maybe when I get Paris flight.
I love Osaka...see you soon!
Brilliant Singapore and Koala´s hometown...Brisbane!
Well...i finally got the longest 9 days trip in Emirates, consisting of Singapore and Brisbane and shuttle to Auckland. 2 days in SIN and 4 days in BNE. Tell you guys the reason why I wouldn´t mind doing this flight every month:
1. Good allowance in BNE, we got 423 AUD which equals to almost 400 USD!!! Money saving and have days off out of Dubai.
2. Is a 9 days trip, therefore I can get away from DUBAI oven for a while!!!
3. Singapore is a brilliant city very organized and basically I can eat a lot of Bread talk´s!!! (yummy)
4. Brisbane is Koala´s hometown, and I deeply love Koala!!! Go to Koala Sanctuary and you can also see Kangaroos and actually feed them. They are so lazy to get up...and there you can cuddle koalas! (YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THE PHOTO...)
Singapore, just lovely. So tiny but so busy, too small to be seen on the map, but too attractive and brilliant to be ignored! More you see more you like. From Chingi International Airport to Subway, and from streets to restaurants...all well done and organized in a friendly way. You barely see a rubbish on the floor, sometimes I asked how they did it! Chowing gums is prohibitted and punished by law! Well people, wake up now...this is how Singapore being named as the best city, best airport, best airline!
Brisbane, located at Australia eastern coast, 729kms from the capital Sydney. After previous Bangkok and Sydney flight, this is my second Australian flight in 2nd month flying with Emirates. I can tell ya...I love Australia and can actually live there!!! People are nice (friendly and physically talking...) everything looks so nice, not much contamination and easy to hang around the city. A lot of fabulous places to visit during summer or winter. As I pointed out before, Koalas and Kangaroos are his prides. I missed the trip to Sunshine coast and Gold Coast because I went to see those cute and cuddly animals, as most of the crew had done that before already...i had to go there alone by taking a bus and the Koala Sanctuary is only 45 minutes away from Brisbane city.
Shall I bid for this flight again? Oh yeah...definitely!
September 23, 2008
Moscow! Red Square plus cold weather and cold people!!!
I was crazy though...after BKK and SYD flight the next day i did the swapped flight to Moscow!!! Always wanted to go there, since last month they changed my Moscow to Vienna which was not bad at all...but still i need to go there to have a look!
The flight time was short enough, less than 5 hours, great crew and passengers were not very demanding as usual, russian people drink a lot (no doubts!) oftenly they come to the galley and ask for more drinks...beers, vodka, whisky, whatever you have left in the bar carts...give it to them! They are happy drunks! lol...
From the airport to the hotel took nearly one hour, the traffic was horrible...but the other crew who had been there before said sometimes it takes 2 hours!!! my gosh...we only have 24 layover in Moscow, minus 2 hours coming and 2 hours going back...only 20 hours left...minus sleep...is no longer 24 hrs! After we reached the hotel (Holliday Inn) we got changed and took the subway to Red Square! I was soooo impressed of those Russian people, as cold as the weather, it was begining of September, and the temperature was 10 degrees Celsius! Why COLD PEOPLE, because most of them don´t even have facial expression, not really nice to talk to. I was wondering why they couldn´t even say hi back to you when I was boarding passengers. Only when they want to order alcohol and that´s when they open their mouth and be nice with you...so bad. On the other hand, we went to exchange some US dollars to russian rubos, the COLD and VERY COLD lady returned my money without saying a word!!! so COLD...i was freaked out. :-////
Finally I saw those colorful churches and red sqaure of course, being my first visiting Moscow, I was quite {lucky} because the access to Colorful Churches (castles...) was closed!!! @X$%^&... due to some even and improvement going on there...sadly I could only take photo from Red Square as you can see on my photos...a bit far from where i was standing, but fair enough at least i saw it!
The next day I went to have my first russian breakfast, indeed for me was like any western breakfast, coffe, eggs, and some weird SWEET pancake with cheese and potato...there is not much to see in 24 hours, hopefully will get another Moscow to see those colorful churches closer...because i could hear the song...COME CLOSER! COME CLOSER~~
count how many russian dolls are there on the table, actually they were all inside the big one and we had to open one by one...the last one was soooo kawaiii (japanes means cute/adorable)
September 21, 2008
Bangkok and Sydney in 7 days!
Need to catch up with the delayed posts...has been couple weeks flying and lazy enough to update my blog, my apologize to those who are following my journey so far.
I got a nice long trip about 7 days to Bangkok and Syney then shuttle flight to Auckland. First of all, I really enjoyed Bangkok stay specially their Budhism culture and friendly people, and of course the famous Thai massage which was soooo relaxing and made me feel sleepy before the flight. In total we stayed 2 days in Bangkok and 3 days in Sydney. 2 crews and myself we took a boat to visit the temple, unfortunately the Grand Palace was closed that day so we changed the plan to visit only temples and then way down to MBK which is a big shpping centre for those who enjoy buying stuffs without caring if is fake or real brand...anyway shopping is a must do thing in Bangkok even though bargaining there is not like China, but still you can bargain for a good price! Believe this time i did learn to be smart and bought a lot of things to bring back home. Bangkok was quite hot since is summer...after finishing my shopping went back to hotel for a good massage then rest about 2 hours for the next flight.
Sydney, a lovely city, very modern and at the same time is a friendly city. One of the crew is Ran from China, very nice person and after we arrive the hotel at 8:00, the first thing was to sleep couple hours before heading out to Sydney downtown. We had a 15 minutes walk to china town to have our lunch and then walk around the city so he showed me some cool places to hang out and dinning sites. Finally I saw the beautiful Opera House... was a dream? Nooo...was for real! I was actually in front of it...so exciting! Then the second day along with some other crew and first officer we took a ferry to Manly, was extremely cold and windly, i know it was winter season but still...COLD! We had lunch and walked a bit sightseeing after all then head back to hotel for some drinks. It's definitely a good deal having lunch or dinner in the hotel, because as cabin crew we are offered 50% discount on the total bill...such a great deal, so turned out to be much cheaper than you going outside. Besides, it was a french restaurant, quite fancy and their food was well prepared!
Even though it was a 7 days trip, the crew was overall nice and helpful throughout the flights we did. I didn't have enough time to get to know Sydney better, but 3 days was enough to visit the biggest and most famous sites in Sydney. Didn't see koalas but stay tunned...my Brisbane trip is coming up!!
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